sábado, 27 de octubre de 2007


Blanco in his cage...

Nowadays, orangutans can be only found in Sumatra and Borneo. There remain only a few thousand, and in 10 years they will have dissapeared. That’ s why the orangutans are a protected species, and it’ s totally forbidden to keep one in captivity, in a Private zoo, or in a Hotel.
Blanco, a young ortangutan is living captive for more than 5 years in an artificial environment in a hotel Privete Zoo cage, in lovina, Bali. He is kept purely as a decorative element in “Melka Excelsior Hotel”. He has no plants, trees, and his environment is very barron.

You can help to save Blanco!

By emailing http://www.balisafarimarinepark.com/ and asking for his freedom and rehabilitation.
Blanco has to return to his natural habitat: the jungle of Indonesia.

He is free. why Blanco not ?

October 2007

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